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A few Irma Observations from a Brevard Local

Jenn Clements

It is amazing to think of the effect people have on your life...

It is amazing to think of the effect people have on your life...

Jan 29 4 minutes read

Well, to say Brevard has had a rough week and a half is an understatement. I think it's safe to say we've discovered that no matter what the category the storm is, don't under estimate its impact!

I have been listening to comments and conversations and here are a few things I think we can all agree on.. even if we just agree to laugh about it.

☀️We love running water and power!!! It seems that the majority of people prefer to lose power over water though. Apparently it is more inconvenient to use your pool water to flush your toilet than it is to have sweat dripping from every crevice of your body while you try to form complete sentences.

***Exception*** there are a few who would rather have cable over EITHER of those- which isn't even possible without power but at least we know who the TV Heads are now. HAHA!

☀️We know how to SHOP! The pre-storm prep sent Amazon Prime into overtime! Which was genius for those that did it! With the week heads up and drama from the media, it allowed locals to put Amazon Pantry to work! Don't forget about all the ridiculous items you put in your cart- you know who you are!!  Now Post-storm.. the stores can't stock fast enough! There are some items that I wouldn't have guessed their popularity. Here they are:

👉🏽Soups!!  We all know now that the idea of eating hot soup without AC sounds like torture. The heat alone makes you not want to eat at all! ANY KIND of bread- you will buy it! You don't even care! I wonder how many of you are trying to figure out what to do with the pumpernickel hot dog buns you bought?? Produce- That section was wiped out-I sure hope you washed them before you lost water- or maybe you washed them in them in the pool! 💦 I bet that was everyones way to offset not gaining 5 lbs in 5 days from the nervous and excessive eating and drinking! 

☀️We should now include on our sellers disclosure for the sale of our homes the following questions:   How far down on the grid is your home when recovering power? Have you ever lost power or water and for how long? Is your homes grid on the same as a hospital, nursing home, post office, or school? Which would clearly answer how fast you would restore to normal activity post-storm. I wonder what value people will put on that now??

☀️We are community driven- I have seen more neighbor to neighbor, friend to friend help and I am positive we will see more until we ALL recover. When someone would mention not having power restored yet, with each different post, there would be multiple offers of use of their homes, generators, washers and dryers to do laundry, you name it! Which leads to my next discovery-

☀️ We are stubborn! Most of you didn't take your friends up on their offers of non-freezing showers, chance to do load of clean clothes, or even a few moments of sucking up some cold AC- God Forbid you spend the night and get a full night sleep!!!  I get it though, we all love our space, our home, our things- even if it is making us crazy to deal with, we feel like it is a sign of strength to stick it out, suck it up and just deal. I do hope that we learn to allow the kindness of others to be a gift if we are ever faced with these events again. 

☀️ We love our Sunshine State! The wide spread damage of the storm was felt from Jacksonville to Key West and many places may not look as they used to for a long time, but we will come together and support local to keep our State an amazing place to live and visit. Where else can you watch rockets go up and come back, experience one of a kind bioluminescent in the Indian River Lagoon, watch the sun rise and set in a one day trip, Surf the ocean, Fish the seas, and so much more!!

I love you Brevard County! I always have and I always will and I couldn't be prouder to call you home! 🏡 

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